5 Reasons why you should start playing guitar at any age!

By lmt-editorMay 9, 2023
Est. Reading: 3 minutes

Reason #1: You will increase your lifespan!

Playing the guitar has been shown to increase lifespan and promote healthy ageing. A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease found that playing a musical instrument, such as the guitar, can delay cognitive decline and improve brain function in older adults.

Additionally, playing an instrument can provide a sense of purpose and fulfilment, contributing to overall happiness and well-being. Playing the guitar can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which are known to contribute to a range of health issues.

Furthermore, learning a new skill, such as playing the guitar, can stimulate the brain and promote neural plasticity, essential for healthy brain function. Therefore, picking up the guitar can bring joy to your life and contribute to a longer and healthier life.

Reason #2: You will relieve stress

Learning to play the guitar can provide an excellent outlet for stress relief. As a beginner, practising guitar can be a joyful activity to help calm the mind and alleviate stress.

Focusing on the notes and chords can help take your mind off of daily stressors and provide a sense of relaxation.

Additionally, playing the guitar can help release tension in the body and reduce physical symptoms of stress, such as muscle tightness or headaches.

As you progress and play more complex pieces, the sense of accomplishment can also provide relief and boost confidence. Playing the guitar can be a great way to manage stress and promote overall mental well-being.

Reason #3: You get a sense of personal achievement

Learning to play the guitar can be a great source of personal achievement. As a beginner, each new chord or song mastered can bring a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Over time, as you develop your skills and technique, the progress made can be even more rewarding. Setting goals and working towards them, such as learning a difficult song or performing in front of others, can provide a sense of purpose and drive.

Developing guitar proficiency can foster traits such as dedication and tenacity, skills that can be valuable assets in various endeavours.

Finally, guitar proficiency can be a source of pride and confidence and even provide opportunities for performance and recognition.

Yes! You will be the star at the party, provided you stick with it!

Sometimes you'll want to give up the guitar. You'll hate the guitar. But if you stick with it, you're gonna be rewarded

Jimi Hendrix

Reason #4: You will improve your time management skills

Practising the guitar requires discipline and practical time management skills. Allocating dedicated time for regular practice sessions instils a sense of commitment and routine. Setting aside specific periods each day or week for practice establishes a structured approach to your musical development.

This discipline extends beyond just scheduling practice sessions. It involves setting clear goals for each practice session and prioritising tasks accordingly. Whether you're focusing on technique, learning new chords, or mastering a particular song, effective time management helps you stay on track and make progress.

Consistency is critical in guitar practice; effective time management ensures you make the most of your practice time. It involves organizing practice materials, preparing resources in advance, and eliminating distractions to create a focused environment. By effectively managing your time during guitar practice, you maximize productivity, enhance skill development, and progress steadily in your musical journey.

Reason #5: You will increase your patience and endurance abilities!

Playing the guitar requires patience and endurance, making it a valuable skill to develop. As you embark on your guitar journey, you will encounter challenges, whether mastering complex chords, improving finger coordination, or playing challenging solo guitar passages. However, persevering through these difficulties will enhance your patience and endurance abilities.

Patience is crucial in guitar playing as progress often takes time.

It's important to understand that learning an instrument is a gradual process that requires consistent effort and practice. You learn to appreciate incremental improvements and celebrate small victories through patient practice.

Endurance plays a role in guitar playing as well.

Regular practice sessions can be physically demanding, especially for beginners still building finger strength and flexibility.

However, by persisting in practice, you gradually develop the endurance to play for extended periods without fatigue. (WARNING: never practice if you feel physical pain. Do not overdo anything, and make sure you also practice Alexander Technique in addition to your guitar passion!)

The patience and endurance you cultivate through guitar playing extend beyond the instrument.

These qualities become valuable assets in various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, and personal goals. Learning to persevere through challenges and embrace a patient and enduring mindset allows you to overcome obstacles and achieve long-term success.

So, by starting to play the guitar at any age, you embark on a journey that enhances your musical skills and strengthens your patience and endurance abilities, enabling you to face challenges with resilience and determination.

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